Aught, no. 13 (2004)

Merrill Cole

Too Tied to Luck

Push at damp tent and string, with the last. To choke. Brush aside final cross or forbear. And stretch, in camp to contain. Dennis. But he welcomes the chorus. Altos, all through and open. A cross open will collapse? Did they?

Deny often. The less is slightly: all fingers by its face, all but one. Tracy faces the fingers, then. The one raised away. Upward or burnt. Is usually. Is not a point, as they do.

Not that. Not just with that, and with. Neck. It ate nothing. Not with us. Will all its arms. Neck. All arms it ate.

Too tied to luck. Under. Too tied, and polished. Also water, and way: vain tune. The chest. The chain polished and their jewels. Too luck.

Will say forever. Don’t. Will say forever, and John saw it. Six. Men danced and it wasn’t him. John doesn’t. Forever, will say forever, and don’t, don’t, he laughed with the animal. A woman with impossible for John goes it will. For John saw it. He won’t.

Shines with these. His sharp. These, stroke a gun. Is his. Is one bullet gone.

In order that. Because. In order to. Before.

Every story is novel, Frank. Every story is novel, Frank. Every story is novel, Frank. History.

Leave them if love. Not a look for she can glance at not a look for he. Turn away. As if you leave is as they love. Turn.

A mistake will only one and a will say each the same the point.

A stake.


Copyright © 2004, by the author. All rights reserved.
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